I'm Kaylan, leadership educator, podcaster & speaker

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What if leadership wasn’t selfish?

September 30, 2019

Following a client call with a golden-hearted client, I found myself thinking deeper about something I told her. I said, “your desire for leadership is NOT selfish.”

During our call, she had a major breakthrough and realized she has been holding herself and her business back for quite a while as she operated under the assumption that her desire to be a leader was pushy, bossy and selfish.

(Note: this content originally appeared on IGTV! To check out the original video, click the link below. Or, keep reading!)

Killing the Myth of Leadership

I have to confront this lie and the myth of what leadership is, at its core.

During the call, my client said that one of her core values as a leader is SERVANT LEADERSHIP. And, boy, did that get my wheels turning.

There is no “servant leadership.” There is only leadership. The alternative is NOT leadership.

My client had always believed her desire to step up and lead projects, lead teams, and now build a team around her was selfish.

Redefining Leadership

If you are living out true leadership, the definition of who you are is a servant. You can’t help but serve others.

Your job as a leader is to see a better way forward, to see a need, to see how this world can be different. You also see what needs to take place in order to bring this new reality to life.

Leaders create opportunity for fulfilled purpose. In living out and fulfilling that directive, tell me how it is selfish to gather the right people around you and fulfill that purpose?

The Role of Leadership

As a leader, you’re tasked with two objectives:

  • Serve a purpose greater than yourself
  • Curate and serve the team of people needed to fulfill that purpose

So, if you are a true leader, you are nothing more than a servant to that greater purpose and to the people on your team.

When you are an entrepreneur, what you have done is inherently step up as a leader. You saw a need, saw a better reality, defined purpose, and started working toward it.

Now, you’re realizing you can’t keep going alone. You need help.

A true leader looks like…

Here’s the thing. A true leader is someone who recognizes that they have gaps, and because you don’t have strengths in certain areas you can’t fulfill that purpose by yourself.

Now, your job is to do the work required to bring the right people around you. You find the right people needed to fulfill this purpose and you SERVE THE HECK OUT OF THEM.

Dive deeper into this content in the video in which it originally appeared, here!

I'm Kaylan, leadership educator, podcaster & speaker

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Crafting a 90-Day Onboarding Plan

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Mapping Your Leadership Style