I'm Kaylan, leadership educator, podcaster & speaker

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Building the Team of Your Dreams with the Dream Makers Podcast

December 17, 2020

I had an amazing conversation with Stephanie Ann Bagley on The Dream Makers Podcast where we talked about how you can start building the team of your dreams!

The Dream Makers Podcast is hosted by Stephanie, an amazing and inspiring woman who is a photographer, entrepreneur, and mom! 

Listen to the Episode Here!

How to Build the Team of Your Dreams

Hiring is bigger than finding someone to do a job. It’s all about building a business that is able to exist and function without YOU. 

First, start from the ground up. Determine what the vision for your company is and what you need from others and from yourself to get where you want to be. You want to hire people who are not just blindly supporting you, but rather are just as determined to achieve the vision you have for your company.

Second, map out your own role as a CEO. With the knowledge that you have now, see how far you can vision cast for your dream position. Before outlining your potential hires’ job description, outline your own. Building the team of your dreams isn’t possible if you yourself don’t know what you want from yourself and what you want for your company!

Third, think about how you can use your time, money, and knowledge to your fullest ability. These things are what you have as a leader and it’s essential that you determine how you can get the most of each of them in order to successfully grow your team and your business.

Fourth, don’t stop learning! Go on Amazon and get some business books because the knowledge you will get from them is going to teach you how to lead a business. Being a CEO is the same function, and you have to learn how to do it!

Other Episode Highlights!

We also talk about my journey that got me to where I am today, and how to deal with imposter syndrome. I discuss what imposter syndrome is and how it affects you as a business woman and leader. 

We also talk about vision casting as well as core values, and why they are essential in building the team of your dreams. I also go more in depth on the role of a CEO and what you have to do for your team as a leader. I give my tips on how you can start to phase out your new hires’ life at the company, so your business is able to function with you.

Check out the episode where you can listen to my step by step tips on what to do to prepare for and begin building your dream team! 

I'm Kaylan, leadership educator, podcaster & speaker

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Crafting a 90-Day Onboarding Plan

Job Postings that Attract Top Talent

Mapping Your Leadership Style