Today’s episode is a replay of my presentation at the Uplevel Your Biz Summit! I had the amazing opportunity to speak and share my tips on how to attract and hire your dream team with a stellar hiring strategy.
In the presentation, I broke down how to create the best hiring strategy for you and your company as well as:
- How to attract high caliber team members
- An overview of the hiring process
- And, how to set your hires up for success through onboarding and continued coaching
Attracting High Caliber Team Members
Leadership begins with hiring. It’s important to hire the best fit for the role because if you dont it can cost you 30% on top of what you are paying your hire.
Your job posting is a sales page. To attract high quality applicants your job posting should sell the position as well as sell the benefits the position will create for the potential hire.
High performing applicants want to see the following on job postings:
- That they will have responsibility
- A “map” out what success looks like
- They want to be challenged
- They want to see an opportunity for growth potential
Great hires are asking themselves three questions:
- Will they lead me?
- Will they let me lead?
- WIll they partner with me to guide me and help me grow?
Think about how your mission and values align with the hire. Weed out the under qualified and the under committed and sell the position to those who are committed and will benefit your company!
An Overview of the Hiring Process
The job application is where applicants can express interest. During this process they will have to analyze what they can bring professionally to the table.
The job interview is where you analyze how the applicants mission and purpose align with your own. Ask questions that prove their knowledge and ask for references. This way you are getting more of an insight on this candidate’s work ethic from previous employers. Ask applicants about their journey up until this point, what do they want to do in life? Then analyze how this job will help them get to where they want to go.
Think of the interview process as a science experiment. There should always be a control. In this case that control should be the questions you ask each applicant. Keep it consistent so you can see the differences between each individual. Look for a connection and again, think about how their strengths will bring value to your team and how those strengths will strengthen the team.
How to Set Your Hires Up for Success Through Onboarding and Continued Coaching
After hiring the perfect team member, it’s time to analyze how you can increase your team’s performance.
By understanding their potential and removing interference that are keeping them from reaching that potential, you are creating growth for your team. Think about how they want to grow and how you can support them in the process.
I’ll leave you all with my favorite quote by Antoine Saint Exupery, “If you want to build a ship, don’t gather your people and ask them to provide wood, prepare tools, and assign tasks, call them together and raise in their minds the longing for the endless sea.”
As a leader this is your job and it begins with hiring.
Let’s Connect!
As always, I would love to connect with you guys on Instagram or through my podcast and hear about your takeaways from today’s episode, answer your questions, or just chat!