I'm Kaylan, leadership educator, podcaster & speaker

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Reading suggestions

Crafting a 90-Day Onboarding Plan

Job Postings that Attract Top Talent

Mapping Your Leadership Style

The journey of leadership can often be a tumultuous one, filled with both fulfilling highs and devastating lows. When the lows encompass a landscape tainted by toxic leadership, the task of healing and rediscovering the inherent leader within yourself can seem like an overwhelming challenge. However, I assure you, it’s not only possible, but it’s […]


Navigating the Aftermath of Toxic Leadership: Healing from Leadership Hurt & Embracing the WHOLE Leader Inside of You

reading leadership books to help navigate toxic leadership

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Leadership is difficult because it’s dynamic, and you only become a better leader by growing through experiences. No one wakes up one day as a phenomenal leader. You may have qualities that help you lead well, but a leader only becomes experienced through challenges, tough decisions, and experiences with their team.  Those who want to […]


Leadership Journaling: 15 Prompts, 33 Uses, & Quick-Start Guide

leadership journaling

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Let’s be real: stepping into leadership for the first time can feel like walking a tightrope. You’re grappling with pressure, expectations, and a fair dose of leadership anxiety. The good news? It’s all part of the journey, and with a few self-coaching techniques, you can turn these challenges into stepping stones. Let’s dive into some […]


Self-Coaching Tactics for Navigating Leadership Anxiety as a New Leader

leaders learning self-coaching joy to lead academy

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As a leader, you may often feel like you have no idea what you’re doing. However, you have an innate leadership style – built from your beliefs, values, skills and strengths. ‘Knowing what you’re doing’ isn’t something a leader may ever feel, but understanding how to discover and deftly wield your leadership style is absolutely […]


The Ultimate Guide to Discovering Your Own Leadership Strengths, Skills & Style

discovering your leadership style together

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What we believe becomes how we act, and our actions shape our reality. Therefore, in a way, what you believe to be true inevitably becomes true. This is why our inner critic is such a powerful voice, and why affirmations can be transformational for us as leaders.  In today’s episode of the Joy to Lead […]


3 Leadership Affirmations that Will Infuse More Joy in Your Team


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As a work-from-home mom, time for focused work is precious and scarce. Here’s how I added over 15 hours of quality work time each week with this simple morning routine. Discover the Simple Morning Routine that Changed my Week for Good! It’s simple, I get up earlier! But don’t leave me yet – here’s how […]


How I Added 15+ Hours of Focused Work to My Week with This Simple Morning Routine

simple morning routine

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Hiring a team as an entrepreneur is an exciting adventure, but how do you get ready to make your first hire?  Maybe you’re wondering if you have what it takes to lead, or, maybe you’re worried about skipping a crucial step in the process and dealing with those repercussions later on. Perhaps deeper than that, […]


The Entrepreneur’s Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Ready to Make Your First Hire

get ready to make your first hire

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You may have heard it said that leaders are readers, and I would take it one step further to say readers make the best leaders. Today on the Joy to Lead® Podcast we’re exploring why this is true and how you can adopt an identity of reader, too! Listen to the episode now! Or, dive […]


Why Leaders are Readers, and Readers Make the Best Leaders

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In today’s episode of the Joy to Lead® Podcast I’m asking a question prompted by the book Chief Joy Officer by Richard Sheridan. We’ll be reading this book as part of our book club inside the Joy to Lead® Leadership Academy, because it’s just so good! Today I’m exploring the concept of a no-firing policy, […]


What If You Had a No-Firing Policy for Your Team?

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One of the riskiest endeavors you can make as an entrepreneur is hiring a new team member. You may find yourself asking yourself questions like: Who should you hire? What should you hire for? The biggest question of all, however, is are you READY to hire? Today on the Joy to Lead Podcast, I will walk […]


11 Surefire Signs You’re Ready to Hire

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