I'm Kaylan, leadership educator, podcaster & speaker

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Reading suggestions

Crafting a 90-Day Onboarding Plan

Job Postings that Attract Top Talent

Mapping Your Leadership Style

Clarity + Risk x Vision = Team Growth. This formula is the key to furthering your team’s development.  In today’s episode I’ll be breaking down each component of this formula. By following these tips, you will get so much closer to cultivating the team or your dreams.  So, lets start of by answering the main […]


Clarity + Risk x Vision = Team Growth

social media sabbatical

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Today’s episode is all about team development. I’ll be going over the 4 stages of team development that are essential in getting your team to grow.  Your team is growing through a series of strategic phases. It’s up to you as a leader to analyze how you can help your team grow and be aware […]


4 Stages of Team Development – Getting Your Team to Grow


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In today’s episode I tackle the 5 reasons leaders need community. A community is important within the workplace for employees, but it’s also important for leaders. You need to be able to relate to other leaders and people in the same position of authority or leadership.  It is a vulnerable and lonely place sometimes as […]


5 Reasons Leaders NEED Community

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