Did you know we only consciously use about 5% of our brains? Crazy right!? According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are conscious of only about 5 percent of our cognitive activity. The other 95 percent of brain activity that goes beyond our conscious awareness, called our subconscious mind, dictates the vast majority of our decisions, actions, […]
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Enneagram, DISC, Strengthsfinder – you’ve seen them everywhere – personality tests! More and more, people are hooked on taking a personality test and learning more about why we do what we do, but today I want to teach you how to take a step back from using a personality test so that you can reflect […]
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As leaders, we’re called to never-ending journeys of self-discovery and awareness – and journaling prompts are great tools for us to use in that process! In the Leadership Academy we’ve been diving into several journaling prompts to help us dig deeper into our leadership styles this year, and I’d love to share them with you […]
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