I'm Kaylan, leadership educator, podcaster & speaker

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Reading suggestions

Crafting a 90-Day Onboarding Plan

Job Postings that Attract Top Talent

Mapping Your Leadership Style

As a leader, you may often feel like you have no idea what you’re doing. However, you have an innate leadership style – built from your beliefs, values, skills and strengths. ‘Knowing what you’re doing’ isn’t something a leader may ever feel, but understanding how to discover and deftly wield your leadership style is absolutely […]


The Ultimate Guide to Discovering Your Own Leadership Strengths, Skills & Style

discovering your leadership style together

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Hiring a team as an entrepreneur is an exciting adventure, but how do you get ready to make your first hire?  Maybe you’re wondering if you have what it takes to lead, or, maybe you’re worried about skipping a crucial step in the process and dealing with those repercussions later on. Perhaps deeper than that, […]


The Entrepreneur’s Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Ready to Make Your First Hire

get ready to make your first hire

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In the corporate world, leaders are frequently evaluated by “scale” or “quantitative” victories—high profitability, significant market shares, increased revenues. However, this success yardstick overlooks the critical non-scale victories that build the foundation for lasting success. These victories are often transformative leadership lessons that drive personal and professional growth. Non-scale victories represent the unseen but significant […]


Unsung Triumphs: Celebrating Non-Scale Victories as Key Leadership Lessons

woman standing on sidewalk

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When working a 9-5, you have a clear view of what’s needed to get promoted. You know what the next “rung on the ladder” looks like, and you’ve got it in your sites. But as an entrepreneur, do you know what’s needed to promote yourself in your business? What does your growth plan look like? […]


How to Promote Yourself to a More Lucrative Role

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Hiring is something that doesn’t have to be messy or something that we do when we are desperate. Today on the Joy to Lead podcast, I want to help you create a systematic process and timeline so that you not only take everyone through the same process, but also can make sure you are hiring […]


Creating a Step-by-Step Hiring Timeline

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Hiring is tricky. I think we’ve all seen what happens when you hire the wrong people but with that you’ve probably also seen what can happen when you hire the right people. Today on the Joy to Lead Podcast, I’m going to walk you through some do’s and don’ts of hiring so that when the […]


How to Avoid Hiring the Wrong People

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Did you know we only consciously use about 5% of our brains? Crazy right!? According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are conscious of only about 5 percent of our cognitive activity. The other 95 percent of brain activity that goes beyond our conscious awareness,  called our subconscious mind, dictates the vast majority of our decisions, actions, […]


Unlocking Your Subconscious Leadership

reading leadership books to help navigate toxic leadership

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When’s the last time you dreamed for dreaming sake? Or are you someone who struggles with dreaming? If so, today we are going to talk about the importance of dreaming as leaders and how it can move us forward. I don’t want you to take any notes today but rather just be open and ready […]


The Practice of Dreaming as a Leadership Exercise & Reconnecting to Our Curiosity

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I had an amazing conversation with Stephanie Ann Bagley on The Dream Makers Podcast where we talked about how you can start building the team of your dreams! The Dream Makers Podcast is hosted by Stephanie, an amazing and inspiring woman who is a photographer, entrepreneur, and mom!  Listen to the Episode Here! How to […]


Building the Team of Your Dreams with the Dream Makers Podcast

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I had the honor earlier this month to be featured on Michelle Hagan’s The Busy Years Podcast– and we talked all about building your dream and making your first hire! As a mother and businesswoman myself I have loved listening to Michelle’s podcast where she brings together women to share their stories about motherhood and […]


Building A Dream Team and Making Your First Hire with The Busy Years Podcast!

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