Congrats on successfully navigating the hiring process and welcoming a fresh face to your team! This is an exciting chapter, not only for the newcomer but for your entire team. Before you get your welcome committee organized, let’s dive into the critical — yet often underestimated — process of onboarding a new team member. Why […]
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Have you ever navigated the hiring process, only to find yourself disappointed by candidates who applied for the wrong position or were simply unqualified? Perhaps you’re planning to hire in the near future and are in the process of creating a job posting? If either scenario sounds familiar, it’s time to grab your notes. Today, […]
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Up until recently, I’ve always believed one of the most important things we should do when hiring a new team member was to search for “culture fit.” We’re told to search for someone whose life purpose and daily actions align with the culture you’re trying to create in your team. However, I’m finding and realizing […]
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Have you ever sat down to write out the job description for your next hire but your mind just goes BLANK? We’ve all been there, which is why today on the Joy to Lead Podcast we’re talking about the five things your job description needs and how to create it for your next hire. In […]
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When working a 9-5, you have a clear view of what’s needed to get promoted. You know what the next “rung on the ladder” looks like, and you’ve got it in your sites. But as an entrepreneur, do you know what’s needed to promote yourself in your business? What does your growth plan look like? […]
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Hiring is something that doesn’t have to be messy or something that we do when we are desperate. Today on the Joy to Lead podcast, I want to help you create a systematic process and timeline so that you not only take everyone through the same process, but also can make sure you are hiring […]
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Hiring is tricky. I think we’ve all seen what happens when you hire the wrong people but with that you’ve probably also seen what can happen when you hire the right people. Today on the Joy to Lead Podcast, I’m going to walk you through some do’s and don’ts of hiring so that when the […]
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One of the riskiest endeavors you can make as an entrepreneur is hiring a new team member. You may find yourself asking yourself questions like: Who should you hire? What should you hire for? The biggest question of all, however, is are you READY to hire? Today on the Joy to Lead Podcast, I will walk […]
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Did you know we only consciously use about 5% of our brains? Crazy right!? According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are conscious of only about 5 percent of our cognitive activity. The other 95 percent of brain activity that goes beyond our conscious awareness, called our subconscious mind, dictates the vast majority of our decisions, actions, […]
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In a previous episode on the Joy to Lead podcast, we learned about discovering your unique strengths and using personality tests to supplement your findings as a precursor to understanding your leadership style. In today’s episode, we’re exploring the components of your leadership style. With so many lists of leadership styles out there, after today’s […]
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